1976 Piper PA-28-151
Located in NW Montana
6652 Total Time
Last painted 2008. Red and gold on white. Wingtip landing lights and strobes. Rosen visors. New: Gill battery, tires and tubes, vertical card compass, 8-probe EI digital EGT/CHT, mixture cable, overhauled brake cylinders and parking brake. Annual due the end of Oct 2014. Fresh annual in September 2015
6575 TTE, 2401 SMOH
Lycoming O-320-E3D 150 hp. Overhauled by Aircraft Engine Specialists of Chandler, AZ 11-04-2004. New mags, starter and cylinders at overhaul. Recently overhauled mags and heat box.New starter. Strong running engine! Fresh annual September 2015.
Original but in good condition. Tidy and inviting!
King KMA 24 Audio panel.
Narco MK12D Digital NavCom GS/Loc.
Narco 122 Nav w/ Loc
MX ll Digital Com
Nr o AT-150 Transponder
Flightcom Intercom
EI Digital 8-Probe EGT/CHT
Rosen Visors, wingtips with landing lights and strobes, Bruce's Custom Cover. Vertical card compass.
Only known DH is striking a taxi-way light. Bottom wing skin replaced where contacted.
48 gallon useable fuel.
Gross: 2300 lbs.
Empty: 1500 lbs.
Useful: 800 lbs.
$22,000 SOLD